Installing Chiko Chazunguza's exhibition "Bounty" at Gallery 101, Ottawa
I curate Art.
My curatorial practice is invested in contemporary art projects that engage issues of representation as they relate to site, body, space and difference. This website is a sampling of selected projects. My focus has largely been on thematic exhibitions by Canadian artists that investigate the role of visual culture within constructs of identity, race, gender and nationalism, and on artwork that actively deconstructs these perceptions using various media. I am also interested in how cultural production can be a source and site for radical forms of social change. My methodology has been drawn from postmodern, postcolonial and critical race theory as well as Black Cultural and African Diaspora studies. I am also interested in “third wave” feminism which suggests a more inclusive global perspective.
Born in Montreal, I have a BFA and an MA in Art History from Concordia University and my thesis explored selected exhibitions dealing with Black identity in Canada between the years of 1992 and 2002. I refer to this period as a “critical decade” which saw a national emergence of Black themed exhibitions, spurned in part though organizations like CAN:BAIA (Canadian Black Artists in Action), Diasporic African Women's Art Collective and the Black Artists Network of Nova Scotia. I began my curatorial career in Nova Scotia in 1998 (where my immediate family is from) with my first exhibition in Halifax at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design called Skin: A Political Boundary, co-curated wih Meril Rasmussen. This exhibition brought together nine Halifax based artists from varied backgrounds whose work explored personal body politics challenging imposed boundaries within constructs of ethnicity, gender, race and sexuality.
I have organized exhibitions in various arts institutions, from co-op spaces, public galleries and artist-run centres across Canada and internationally, holding positions which includes: Exhibitions Coordinator at A Space Gallery in Toronto, Curator/Director at the Art Gallery of Peterborough, Curator at Thames Art Gallery in Chatham, Ontario and most recently as the Senior Curator at the McMaster Museum of Art in Hamilton, Ontario. I am currently based in Halifax and work as Director/Curator of the Dalhousie Art Gallery.